2021 - Present

A historic venue for performing arts and community events, the nonprofit Paramount Theater is the heart of Charlottesville — and its arts culture.

As the Creative Manager at The Paramount Theater, I wear many hats. The one worn most is in-house graphic designer, but I am also a web designer, video editor, content creator, display artist, and photographer. I first started at the theater as the Creative Marketing Associate in August 2021 producing and editing a thousand assets each year for The Paramount’s events and brand. I became the Creative Manager in August 2024, where in my current role I continue to build the theater’s visual mark, creating and fostering excitement for the arts through art!

Check out some of the projects I’ve done below and see how they’ve also evolved through the years.

State of the Theater


Telling the story of the past fiscal year through a snappy, multimedia presentation.



Roadmaps to the all the special experiences at the theater — namely, the Arts Education Program and the Met Opera Live in HD season.
